Calahonda Beach

The Calahonda beach in Nerja is without a doubt the most photographed beach in Nerja . A 120m long sandy beach with small fishing boats and a couple of immaculate white-washed sheds turn this place into a living postcard that every tourist should see and photograph. Mobile phones are full of photos of this iconic place in Nerja, the best photos are taken from the Balcón de Europa, one of the most important monuments in the Axarquía region.

Is there anywhere better to take a photo in Nerja?

Playa Calahonda
Playa Calahonda Nerja

Characteristics of Calahonda Beach

Calahonda is a beach that is approximately 120m long and 20m wide. It is a busy beach thanks to its location (right in the center of Nerja). The sand is dark and it is of a medium grain. The waves here are generally moderate.

To get to this beach by car you must park your car in the public car park (5 minute walking distance from the beach) and walk to the entrance of the beach. Access is not hard, although it is not ideal for disabled people because to reach the sand you must go down a fair amount of stairs while zigzagging down a ramp.

During the summer the beach offers a lifeguard and flag service. Also on offer is a shower and a lots of sunbeds at a very good price.

I am sad to say that the only existing beach restaurant on this beach has been closed for a couple of years now. That said, you won’t have any problems at all finding good food in the area (Pintada street. Cristo street, Carabeo street…)

How to get to Calahonda?

To get to this beach, you must go through the hole in the wall “Boquete de Calahonda”. This hole in the wall consists of a little arch that can be found on the Balcón de Europa, behind the water fountain and opposite the ice cream parlors. Once you go through the arch you will come to some zigzagging steps, continue down these steps and you will have reached the beach in a matter of minutes. This is the same entrance you would use to go to “Caletilla” Beach, just continue along the promenade.

If you wish to walk from Calahonda to Burriana you can choose to walk through town or go along the shore (you will get a little bit wet!). There used to be a promenade going from this beach to Burriana (Paso de los Carabineros) but this has been closed for two decades due to rockslides.

Boquete de Calahonda en Nerja
Boquete de Calahonda
Bajada a la playa
Bajada a la playa
[qode_google_map custom_map_style=”true” google_maps_scroll_wheel=”false” address1=”36.744940, -3.875041″ map_height=”300″ pin=”232″ color_overlay=”#195463″ saturation=”40″ lightness=”0″ zoom=”18″]

Photos of the beach

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